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> MATH - Mathematics
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BIO - Biology
CAT - Creative Arts Therapy
CEP - Community Education Program
CHEM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CJ - Criminal Justice
CLS - Clinical Laboratory Science
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COM - Communication
DAN - Dance
DH - Dental Hygiene
DMD - Digital Media Design
ECON - Economics
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EM-Energy Management
ENG - English
ENT - Entrepreneurship
EP - Exercise Physiology
ESL - English as Second Language
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GBUS - General Business
GEO - Geography
GERO - Gerontology
HE - Health Education
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HS - Health Science
HUM - Humanistic
IDHM - Independent Study in Humanities
LING - Linguistics
MATH - Mathematics
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
PE - Physical Education
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
READ - Reading
REL - Religion
RUSS - Russian
SDE - Safety Education
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPA - Speech Pathology & Audiology
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SS - Social Science
SWK - Social Work
TEM - Tourism and Event Management
THE - Theatre
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MATH - Mathematics
MATH 102
Nature of Mathematics
MATH 130
College Algebra with Applications
MATH 139
Introduction to College Algebra
MATH 140
College Algebra
MATH 145
MATH 150
Introduction to Data Science
MATH 160
Introduction to Statistics
MATH 171
Introduction to Computer Programming
MATH 175
Introduction to Programming in Python
MATH 210
Calculus & Analytic Geometry I
MATH 211
Calculus & Analytic Geometry II
MATH 212
Calculus & Analytic Geometry III
MATH 220
Data Structures
MATH 240
Mathematics for Elementary & 5-9 Teachers I
MATH 245
Mathematics for Elementary & 5-9 Teachers II
MATH 264
Manipulatives in Mathematics
MATH 278
Special Topics in Mathematics
MATH 280
Mathematics Seminar
MATH 281
Mathematics Education Seminar
MATH 309
Calculus & Geometry for General Math 5-9
MATH 320
Algorithm Design
MATH 327
History of Mathematics
MATH 334
MATH 341
Linear Algebra
MATH 349
Number Theory
MATH 350
Technical Communication for the Mathematical Sciences
MATH 373
Finite Mathematics
MATH 374
Discrete Mathematics
MATH 375
Applied Differential Equations
MATH 445
Abstract Algebra
MATH 464
Probability and Statistics I
MATH 465
Probability and Statistics II
MATH 470
Computational Statistics
MATH 473
Machine Learning I
MATH 474
Machine Learning II
MATH 475
Numerical Analysis
MATH 478
Special Topics in Mathematics
MATH 479
Special Problems in Mathematics
MATH 480
Mathematics Capstone
MATH 481
Mathematics Capstone
MATH 482
Data Science Capstone I
MATH 483
Data Science Capstone II