Appropriate Computer Use Policy

West Liberty University provides for the computing needs of the educational community, both academic and administrative. The systems and machines used to this end must be protected from misuse and unauthorized access.

This policy addresses the university’s computer systems and refers to all hardware, data, software, and communications networks associated with these computers. In particular, this policy covers computers ranging from multi-user time sharing systems to single user personal computers.


This policy applies to all WLU staff, faculty, administrators, officers, and students.


WLU computer resources are provided primarily for the use of faculty, staff, and students. They are intended to be used for administrative and educational purposes to carry out legitimate WLU business.

Access to network resources is a privilege. It requires individual computer users to act responsibly, conserve computer resources, and consider the rights and privacy of others. These network resources are the property of WLU and use of any computing resource constitutes acceptance of this policy.

Common Forms of Computer Abuse

  • Privacy
  • Reading another user’s files (protected or not)
  • Deliberate, unauthorized attempts to access or use West Liberty University’s computers, systems, or data
  • Theft
  • Using deception to avoid computer use charges
  • Deliberate, unauthorized use of another user’s account or files
  • Abusing specific resources
  • Removing any equipment (hardware, software, data) without authorization
  • Copying or attempting to copy data or software (protected or unprotected) without proper authorization
  • Harassment
  • Interfering with legitimate work of another user (via computer or in person)
  • Sending abusive or obscene messages via computers
  • Miscellaneous
  • Unauthorized and time-consuming recreational game playing
  • Using computer accounts for work not authorized for that account
  • Sending chain letters or unauthorized mass mailings
  • Personal advertisement
  • Removal or deletion of software without authorized permission
  • Installing abusive or obscene software or files
  • Unauthorized attempts to replace computer or printer components
  • Unauthorized attempts to repair or tamper with computers or printers

Computer Usage Guidelines

  • Users are to have valid, authorized accounts and may only use their account in accordance with its authorized purpose.
  • Users should not let another person use their account.
  • A user may not change, copy, delete, read, or otherwise access files or software without the explicit permission of the owner.
  • A user may neither prevent others from accessing the system nor unreasonably slow down the system by deliberately running wasteful jobs or programs, sending mass mailings, or chain letters.
  • Users should assume that software they did not create is copyrighted. They may neither distribute copyrighted or proprietary material without the written consent of the copyright holder nor violate copyright or patent laws concerning computer systems (hardware/software).
  • Users must not use the West Liberty University computer systems to violate any rules in the W.Va. Classified Employee Handbook, Faculty, and Student Handbooks, or any local, state, or federal laws.


Although WLU does not routinely monitor computer and network use, we do reserve the right to monitor it for operational needs and to ensure compliance with applicable laws and WLU policies. West Liberty University considers any violation of this policy serious and reserves the right to warrant immediate action without prior verbal warning.


Action to be taken as a result of abuse or misuse of WLU’s computing services may include, but not necessarily be limited to:

  • suspension or revocation of computing privileges;
  • reimbursement to WLU of resources consumed;
  • other legal action including action to recover damages;
  • referral to law enforcement authorities;