CEP 101 Introduction to Community Education & CEP

This course is an introductory course tailored towards Community Education Program (CEP) students. Students will learn the basics of the CEP, the overall history, theory, and concepts of Community Education. The course will provide an overview of the CEP profession. It will give students a better insight and understanding of their program and major, the structure, as well as the experiential and problem-based nature of the program, including all aspects of service and experiential learning (on and off campus). Guest presenters who are working in a wide range of CEP settings and have experience in the non-profit sector are invited to share their expertise to expose the students to theory and practice of their chosen field. This course is offered during the fall semester only. This course is only for students in the Community Education Program.

Minimum grade of “C” is required. 

This course might include field-experience(s) in local community and/or community-based settings. Students are responsible for their own transportation. 

