Required Courses
Choose 9 hours from the following Honors Course Options:
An Honors Option is an agreement between an Honors Program scholar and a professor that the student will complete an additional or enhanced assignment(s) in a non-Honors course. The Option agreement turns a non-honors course into an honors course for purposes of meeting the Honors Program requirements. It also provides honors students the freedom to design a portion of their curriculum. Up to three classes may be taken as Honors Option classes. Honors Options count toward honors elective requirements.
Students may create an Honors Option agreement if ALL of the following criteria have been met:
- It is a WLU course.
- An Honors section of the course is NOT currently being offered as a part of the Honors curriculum.
- The Honors Program director has approved the option agreement.
Students should schedule an appointment with the faculty member teaching the course in which they wish to do an Honors Option as soon as possible after the course start date. The professor has the discretion to allow the Honors Option to be done in that course. If approved by the professor, the student must develop an assignment that will be completed during the semester. Possible assignments might include:
- Complete an extra or extended paper or project
- Complete a literature review or annotated bibliography
- Keep an academic journal
- Interview appropriate professionals
- Do a challenging lab experiment
- Create a computer program related to course content
- Apply the principles of the course through documented volunteer service
The Honors Option form must be submitted to the Honors Program Director by the add/drop date each semester. The form may be found on the Honors Program web page at
Honors Seminars and Course Substitutions
Each semester interdisciplinary Honors Seminar courses will be offered in the Honors Program. Honors Seminars may substitute for general education courses or advanced electives. In order for an Honors Seminar to substitute for a general education course, the course content must be similar enough to the general education course content that the substitution is valid. Requests for substitutions must be made directly to the Director of the Honors Program. The Director of the Honors Program will contact the course professor and the Dean of the appropriate college to ensure the validity of the substitution. A letter will then be forwarded to the Enrollment Services Center requesting the substitution be made part of the student’s official transcript.
Honors Project (Senior Honors Research)
Senior Honors Research (SHR) allows students to complete in-depth research in an area of study enabling the practice of key research techniques. Additionally, public presentation of research in a scholarly manner allows for increased self-confidence and growth in professional dispositions.
Each SHR student works closely with a professor in his/her field of study who serves as the research sponsor and guide throughout the research process. Students present their research results and final paper before a committee in the spring of their senior year. Additionally, both the Honors Program Director and departments within various Colleges on campus assist students with presentations at conferences and opportunities for publication should the student wish to pursue either of those opportunities.
G.P.A. and Honors Standing
The academic progress of all Honors students is consistently monitored by the Director of the Honors Program. Progress is evaluated in October, February and again in May.
All Honors Program scholars must maintain a G.P.A. of 3.25. Any student falling below 3.25 will be notified in writing.
Students remain active in the Honors Program by taking Honors courses, attending Honors meetings, and participating in Honors service projects and enrichment opportunities. Students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor as well as the Director of the Honors Program to monitor their progress.
Graduating with Honors
Students successfully completing all Honors Program requirements will graduate cum honore. This distinction will appear on the official transcript.