Home-Schooled Admission Policy

West Liberty University will accept applications for admission from students who are educated at home or that are graduating from non-accredited high schools. If students are homeschooled or attendants of a non-accredited high school, they must submit a complete undergraduate application and SAT or ACT test scores. Homeschooled students must also submit course documentation as well as complete required courses to be eligible for admission.

Immunization records must also be submitted before enrollment.

Required Documentation

  • Homeschooled students must submit typed documentation (a manuscript or description) of their coursework. Minimally, this must include:
  • The student’s name.
  • A list and description of courses completed. Descriptions should include duration of study and content of the course.
  • Grades earned for the courses completed and the grading scale.
  • The number of credits earned for each course.
  • Graduation date.

The courses must be broken down by 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade years. The transcripts must bear the signature of the person who administered the curriculum.

Required Courses

The strength of a student’s coursework is important in the admission process. Homeschooled applicants and applicants who attended non-accredited high schools must furnish documentation to validate learning in four of the academic core areas, shown below, unless they were completed at an accredited high school or college. If the student completed units at an accredited high school or college then transcripts of the units taken must be provided to WLU.

The following high school unit requirements must be met for freshman admission:

  • 4 units of English (including grammar, composition, and literature)
  • 4 units of college preparatory mathematics (Three units must be Algebra I and II and Plane Geometry.) Students interested in majors that emphasize math and science are encouraged to take math beyond Algebra II (such as pre-Calc, Calculus, and Statistics).
  • 3 units of social studies (including U.S. History)
  • 3 units of science (ALL units must be laboratory science.) Recommended units include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy, and Environmental Science
  • 2 units of the same foreign language. American Sign Language is acceptable.
  • 1 unit of fine arts (such as: Music, Band, Art, Theater, Dance, Drama, and Performance).

Upon completion of an application file with the required documentation, WLU will review the entire application file of an individual who has been homeschooled or attended a non-accredited high school. All application materials must be received by the regular admission deadline.

Note: West Virginia residents who were homeschooled and are applying for WV PROMISE Scholarship or WV Higher Education Grant must have State of West Virginia High School Equivalency Diploma. Further questions regarding this should be directed to the WV Higher Education Policy Commission.

In addition, students who were homeschooled and wish to receive federal and/or state financial aid must have a state approved diploma or a recognized equivalent such as the GED or TASC.