Transfer Credit Appeals Process

All courses completed at public institutions in West Virginia are generally considered as transferrable to West Liberty University. Courses that share at least 70% of their learning objectives with existing WLU courses will be accepted in place of those WLU courses and will fulfill specified program and degree requirements.

If a course is not accepted as requested by the student, the following appeal process is available:

  • The student will provide a written request for re-evaluation of the course transfer, along with a copy of the syllabus for the course taken, to the dean of the college in which the course for which the student desires credit is located. The dean may request additional information from the student. Once all materials are received, the dean will respond to the student in writing, with copies to the Registrar and Provost, within 10 working days.
  • If the dean denies the transfer, the student may submit a further written request, which includes the course syllabus, to the Provost. The Provost may request additional information from the student or dean. Once all materials are received, the Provost will respond in writing to the student, with copies to the appropriate dean and the Registrar, within 10 working days.
  • If the Provost denies the transfer, the student may request a review by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Division of Academic Affairs. Instructions for submitting such requests can be found on the WV-HEPC website. The Joint Recommending Committee on Transfer and Articulation (JRC) will consider such requests. This body may request additional information. Once all materials are received, the JRC will issue a recommendation to the president of the receiving institution within 10 working days.
  • Within 30 days of receiving the JRC recommendation, the president of the receiving institution will communicate the final decision to the student, with copies to the dean, Provost and Registrar. The President’s office will also submit a report to the HEPC Division of Academic Affairs.