General Requirements for Graduation

It is the ultimate responsibility of the student to ensure that all graduation requirements are met. The graduation requirements listed below apply to all candidates for a master's degree:

  1. All candidates for graduation must make an application for graduation to the Enrollment Services Center (this can also be completed online at by the stated deadline on the academic calendar. Applications submitted after the deadline will be assessed a late fee.
  2. Candidates for graduation must meet in full all financial obligations to the University, including the payment of the Graduation Fee, prior to Commencement. The Graduation Fee is required of all graduating students, even if the student is unable to attend the ceremony.
  3. Candidates for graduation are expected to attend the commencement exercises and wear the prescribed academic regalia. Students completing degree requirements during the Spring Semester participate in the May Commencement; those completing requirements during the Summer or Fall Semester participate in the December Commencement.
  4. For graduation, all applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0. There are additional programs that require more than the minimum 3.0 for graduation; for specific departmental requirements, refer to the appropriate departmental listing in this catalog.
  5. In addition to the requirements listed above, candidates for graduation must meet any specific requirements of the academic programs from which the major is being completed.

Catalog Determines Graduation Requirements

A student may be graduated by fulfilling the requirements listed in the catalog which was in effect at the time of his/her original entrance to WLU, provided the degree is conferred within five calendar years from the time of entrance. However, students majoring in teacher education are subject to any changes mandated by state or national requirements. Students who have interrupted attendance in university will generally be required to meet the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of re-entrance to WLU.

Students may request a change to a later catalog if it is in their best interests to do so. In such cases, students must meet all requirements in the newer catalog, including general education as well as the new requirements in the major. No student may transfer to a catalog in effect prior to his/her initial registration at WLU, nor may a student return to the requirements of a former catalog, having once transferred to a later edition.

The Committee on Admissions and Credits has the right to make final decisions concerning the requirements which must be met.

Evaluation of Credits

Students should review their academic record with their academic advisor to make sure all graduation requirements are being met.