Grades and Reports

The letter system of marks and grading is employed by WLU. Equivalents are as follows:

Grade Explanation Quality points per semester hour
A Superior 4
B Above average, Good 3
C Average 2
D Below average; Passing 1
F Failure 0

At the discretion of the instructor, a course grade of “F” may be awarded in cases of academic dishonesty occurring at any time during the semester.

I Incomplete (to be given at discretion of the instructor and must be completed within one semester after the end of course or an “F” will be recorded). Failure to re-enroll during the succeeding semester will not extend time permitted to remove incomplete grades unless the instructor submits an extension of the incomplete grade. Students do not re-register for the course in which the incomplete was received.

K Credit without grade. Does not affect quality points. The grade of K is given when a student passes a course taken on a Pass/Fail basis or a Credit/No Credit basis. The grade of K is also given when a student receives credit for a course by examination. Only courses specifically designated by the Curriculum Committee may be taken on a Pass/Fail or Credit/No Credit basis.

W To be given if a student officially withdraws from a class by the end of the school day marking the two-thirds point of the course.

WP Withdrew Passing. Given if a student officially withdraws from a course any time after the two-thirds point and before the last scheduled class meeting, providing he/she is passing the course at the time of the withdrawal. Does not affect the grade point average.

WF Withdrew Failing. Given if a student officially withdraws after the two-thirds point and is failing at the time of withdrawal: counts as a failing grade in computing the grade point average. FI Failure Irregular Withdrawal. Given when a student fails to officially withdraw from a course. Counts as a failing grade in computing the grade point average.

X Audit. Courses completed with an “Audit” grade carry no semester hours credit and are not counted in the calculation of the grade point average.

N Grade given when a student does not successfully complete a course offered on a Credit/No Credit basis. Does not affect the grade point average. Only courses specifically designated by the Curriculum Committee may be taken on a Credit/No Credit basis.

Quality Points

A student’s grade point average is determined by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of credit hours attempted. No quality points are earned for grades of “F,” “WF,” and “FI,” but the hours attempted in such courses are used in the computation of the quality point average.

In order to be graduated, a candidate for a degree must have earned an overall quality point average of at least 3.00. An average of at least 3.00 is required in the major and minor fields of study.

Additionally, some major and minor fields require quality point averages of above 3.00; refer to the appropriate departmental listing in this catalog for specific requirements.

All grades earned in graduate university-level courses at West Liberty University and transferable courses will be included in the computation of the grade point average.

Grades earned in graduate courses will not be included in the undergraduate grade point average.

Grade Appeal

The grade appeal policy, Policy 221, can be found online