PA 520 Principles of Physical Diagnosis I

This is the first course in a three-part series, and is designed to introduce Physician Assistant students to the knowledge, skills and ability to conduct a comprehensive medical interview, to interact appropriately with patients, and to perform the appropriate organ system physical examination. Topics include critical thinking and differential diagnosis, interviewing techniques, examination techniques, equipment use, patient responses, the culturally diverse patient, obtaining the patient history, documentation of information using the SOAP format, and the use of medical terminology. The skin, head and neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, oral cavity, and nutritional assessment are also covered in this course. The format includes lectures, written assignments, case presentation, student presentation, role playing, vignettes, reflection papers, and labs. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to present the information obtained in the proper written and oral format, be able to perform the appropriate examination, understand the critical thinking process, and reflect on the need for cultural competency.
