Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching is offered within the Student Success Center in the Elbin Library.  Academic Coaching provides students the opportunity to engage with one of our Graduate Assistants to better understand strategies to be successful academically inside and outside the classroom.  This learning support service differs from Peer Tutoring in that Academic Coaching is not course-specific, but allows students to consider various methods for common tasks within the classroom to decide what may work best.  Examples of items that could be covered in an Academic Coaching session include: Goal Setting, Note Taking, Developing Study Plans, Time Management, Active Reading, and Study Strategies.  We encourage students to meet with an Academic Coach once per week or once every other week to maintain regular contact and be able to review previous efforts and develop action plans for subsequent weeks.  For students that may feel uneasy about an upcoming semester or maybe have not experienced success in the past, we recommend students to meet with an Academic Coach within the first week or two of a semester, not wait until they feel overwhelmed.  Academic Coaching sessions are intended to be proactive and allow a student to be better prepared for challenges they may experience throughout a semester. Please contact the Student Success Center with interest or questions by emailing or calling 304-336-8185.  Additional information can be found on the Academic Coaching webpage.