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> BIO - Biology
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BIO - Biology
BIO 105
Life Science for Non-majors
BIO 106
Life Science for Non-majors Lab
BIO 124
Biological Principles
BIO 125
Biological Principles Lab
BIO 140
Life Science I for Elementary Teachers
BIO 180
Principles of Zoo Science
BIO 181
Zoo Science Husbandry Training
BIO 186
Introductory Zoo Biology
BIO 200
Biology of Plants
BIO 202
Biology of Animals (Zoology)
BIO 203
Biology of Animals Lab
BIO 204
Anatomy & Physiology for Dental Hygiene
BIO 205
Anatomy & Physiology for Dental Hygiene Lab
BIO 206
Biological Anthropology
BIO 207
Fundamentals of Ecology/Biodiversity
BIO 208
Foundational Cell & Molecular Biology
BIO 209
Environmental Sciences
BIO 210
Essentials of Biomedical Terminology
BIO 212
Anatomy & Physiology I (Health Professions)
BIO 214
Anatomy & Physiology II (Health Professions)
BIO 216
Microbiology & Lab
BIO 221
Biological Statistics & Experimental Design
BIO 224
Field Natural History
BIO 225
Terrestrial Ecological Habitats & Biological Diversity
BIO 226
Marine Ecological Habitats & Biological Diversity
BIO 235
Introduction to Environmental Policies
BIO 250
Programming for Biologists
BIO 278
Special Topics in Biology I
BIO 280
Zoo Education
BIO 288
Aquarium Science
BIO 301
Writing in Biological Sciences
BIO 302
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO 303
Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
BIO 304
Biological Science Skills
BIO 306
Biotech I
BIO 308
Animal Tissue Culture
BIO 309
Science Education Trends & Practices
BIO 317
Principles of Immunology
BIO 318
Principles of Immunology Lab
BIO 321
Biotech II
BIO 325
General Microbiology
BIO 326
General Microbiology Lab
BIO 328
Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 329
Applied Microbiology
BIO 330
Fundamentals of Nutrition
BIO 331
Plant Taxonomy Systematic Botany
BIO 334
Human Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
BIO 335
Arthropod Diversity
BIO 338
Medicinal Botany
BIO 340
Life Sciences II for Elementary 5-9
BIO 341
Animal Behavior
BIO 343
Vertebrate Zoology & Lab
BIO 346
BIO 350
Developmental Biology
BIO 355
Bioinformatics I
BIO 356
BIO 360
Drugs, Brain & Behavior
BIO 371
Marine Biology
BIO 380
Zoo Ornithology & Lab
BIO 382
Zoo Herpetology & Lab
BIO 384
Zoo Mammalogy & Lab
BIO 386
Applied Conservation
BIO 401
BIO 404
General Ecology
BIO 405
General Ecology Lab
BIO 406
Field Biology & Lab
BIO 407
Human Genetics
BIO 408
BIO 412
BIO 413
Kaplan Test Prep
BIO 415
Exam Practice
BIO 421
Epidemiology of Infectious Disease
BIO 422
BIO 423
BIO 426
Comparative Animal Physiology & Lab
BIO 428
Evolutionary Biology
BIO 430
Field Botany
BIO 432
Histology & Lab
BIO 434
BIO 440
Conservation Biology
BIO 442
Freshwater Invertebrates
BIO 444
Fluorescence Microscopy
BIO 450
Zoo Animal Behavior Management
BIO 452
Zoo Animal Medicine
BIO 454
Zoo Internship
BIO 456
Animal Nutrition
BIO 458
Reproductive Physiology
BIO 460
Molecular Biology
BIO 461
Molecular Biology Lab
BIO 462
Microbial Pathogenesis
BIO 465
BIO 470
Biological Chemistry
BIO 471
Conservation Practicum
BIO 472
Cell Biology
BIO 473
Human Gross Anatomy
BIO 478
Special Topics in Biology II
BIO 479
BIO 480
Biology Capstone Course
BIO 482
Biology Education Capstone
BIO 483
Undergraduate Research Thesis
BIO 488
Stream Ecology Seminar
BIO 489
Interdisciplinary Senior Project