General Requirements for Graduation

It is the ultimate responsibility of the student to ensure that all graduation requirements are met. The graduation requirements listed below apply to all candidates for baccalaureate degrees except the Regents Bachelor of Arts degree:

  1. All candidates for graduation must apply for graduation at Enrollment Services by the stated deadline on the academic calendar.
  2. Candidates for graduation must meet in full all financial obligations to the University, including the payment of the Graduation Fee, prior to Commencement. The Graduation Fee is required of all graduating students, even if the student is unable to attend the ceremony.
  3. Candidates for graduation must attend the commencement exercises wearing the prescribed academic regalia. Students completing degree requirements during the Spring Semester participate in the May Commencement; those completing requirements during the Summer or Fall Semester participate in the December Commencement.
  4. All degree candidates must have earned the following:

    a) at least 36 semester hours of residence credit at WLU
    b) at least 16 of the last 32 hours completed in residence at WLU
    c) a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit in the major field of study in residence at WLU
    d) any exception to these requirements must be approved by the Committee on Admissions and Credits.
  5. Unless otherwise noted, students must complete all general education requirements, including any specific general education courses required by their majors. Students must also earn a minimum of 120 credit hours, although some programs may require additional hours for graduation. Of those 120 credit hours, 48 credit hours must have been earned at a four-year institution. For programs requiring 128 credit hours, 56 credit hours must have been earned at a four-year institution. A maximum of 72 hours can be applied from two-year schools.
  6. For graduation, all applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00. To be eligible for graduation in any Teacher Education program, a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required. There are additional programs that require more than the minimum 2.00 for graduation; for specific departmental requirements, refer to the appropriate departmental listing in this catalog.
  7. To be eligible for graduation the applicant must have earned a minimum grade of “C” in each of the following:
    ENG 101, ENG 102 (or ENG 103), and COM 101.

  8. In addition to the above requirements, students majoring in teacher education programs must meet the graduation and certification requirements listed in the Teacher Education Admission and Retention Policy.
  9. In addition to the requirements listed above, candidates for graduation must meet any specific requirements of the academic departments from which the major and/or minor fields are being completed. Refer to the departmental sections of the catalog.