Probation and Suspension Policy

  • Any student whose cumulative scholastic record shows a grade point average below 2.00 will automatically acquire probationary status.
  • Any student who is placed on probation as a result of a quality point deficit, will remain on probation until the cumulative average again reaches a 2.0. While on probation, a maximum course load of 15-16 hours per semester is permissible.
  • Students will be placed on academic suspension only if they have been placed on academic probation previously or admitted on probation. Students who have been on probation or admitted on probation at least once, must meet a minimum grade point average as listed below in order to avoid academic suspension:
    • 0-29 credit hours earned requires a minimum 1.60 GPA
    • 30-59 credit hours earned requires a minimum 1.80 GPA
    • 60 credit hours earned or more requires a 2.0 GPA
  • Student records are reviewed for probation and suspension at the conclusion of each semester. Students placed on academic probation or suspension are notified in writing. A student’s first academic suspension with be for one semester.
  • A student returning from a period of suspension will reenter on a probationary basis and will remain on that basis until the grade point deficit is removed. The length of time permitted to remain in university after such a return will depend upon the progress which is made toward reducing the quality point deficit each semester. A second suspension will be for a one-year period.
  • A student may have no more than two suspensions and readmission. The third suspension is final, the student cannot re-enroll at WLU.
  • Students wishing to appeal a first or second academic suspension must follow procedures outlined in their suspension letter.
  • Transfer students and former students returning to WLU must adhere to the above policies.