Grades and Reports

Letter Grades

The letter system of marks and grading is employed by WLU. Equivalents are as follows:

A = Superior (4 quality points per semester)

B = Above Average (3 quality points per semester)

C = Average (2 quality points per semester)

D = Below Average; passing (1 quality points per semester)

F = Failure (0 quality points per semester)

At the discretion of the instructor, a course grade of “F” may be awarded in cases of academic dishonesty occurring at any time during the semester.

I = Incomplete

Given at the discretion of the instructor and must be completed within one semester after the end of the course or an “F” will be recorded. Failure to re-enroll during the succeeding semester will not extend time permitted to remove incomplete grades unless the instructor submits an extension of the incomplete grade. STUDENTS DO NOT RE-REGISTER FOR THE COURSE IN WHICH THE INCOMPLETE WAS RECEIVED.

K = Credit

Given when a student passes a course taken on a Pass/Fail basis or a Credit/No Credit basis. The grade of “K” is also given when a student receives credit for a course by examination. Only courses specifically designated by the Curriculum Committee may be taken on a Pass/Fail or Credit/No Credit basis.

W = Withdrawal

Given if a student officially withdraws from a class by the end of the school day marking the two-thirds point of the course.

WP = Withdrew Passing

Given if a student officially withdraws from a course any time after the two-thirds point and before the last scheduled class meeting, providing he/she is passing the course at the time of the withdrawal. Does not affect the grade point average.

WF = Withdraw Failing

Given if a student officially withdraws after the two-thirds point and is failing at the time of withdrawal: counts as a failing grade in computing the grade point average.

FI = Failure Irregular Withdrawal

Given when a student fails to officially withdraw from a course. Counts as a failing grade in computing the grade point average.

X = Audit

Courses completed with an “Audit” grade carry no semester hours credit and are not counted in the calculation of the grade point average.

N = Unsuccessful Credit/No Credit

Grade given when a student does not successfully complete a course offered on a Credit/No Credit basis. Does not affect the grade point average. Only courses specifically designated by the Curriculum Committee may be taken on a Credit/No Credit basis.